Counseling & Support

Mrs. Sumrana is M.A in Psycholgy  and special education with an experience of 5 years as a Student Counsellor. She is very empathetic, caring and compassionate and has strong desire to help students. She is specialized in conducting variety of child psychological assessments to identifying students with academic difficulties, emotional and behavioral problems. She has in depth knowledge and experience in training students with specific learning disabilities and slow learners. She has sound knowledge of techniques and strategies to counsel students with emotional and behavioural problems.

Counselling in school can make and important contribution in supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of students. Students experiencing stress or emotional problems find it difficult to reach their potential. Most of the students sometimes need “listening ear and kind heart”. Counsellor have special training in identifying students with difficulties in academic, social, emotional and behavioural domains and also help them to improve problems solving skills and decision making and overcome the problems and stand up for themselves.

Psychological Counsellor can help the students to –

  1. Reduce / remove barriers to learning.
  2. Achieve their full potential, build social competence and academic achievement.
  3. Improve positive attitude towards learning and enjoy learning.
  4. Improves connection and level of engagement between school & family – strengthening of family unit.